Saturday, September 19, 2009

Less than 24 to go...

It's time - almost. I am nearly packed and trying to figure out how to pack along the "extras" that are being sent with me. I will definitely need to take 2 bags. The bonus - I might have space for "souvs" for the boys.

Thursday morning I was very sweetly put in my place with regard to my packing. I was with a friend and mentor - I mentioned to her how proud I thought she would be of my packing choices. I have lined out my wardrobe so that everything coordinates together. The one down side - I have 2 linen skirts packed - and we all know what happens to packed linen. She asked a few questions and then simply said, "by all means Nancy, you really should be coordinated when you go to Africa." I was puzzled.

You see, my friend had a stroke over a year ago and she cannot smile. I cannot tell when she is teasing me, or being completely serious. So, I asked her if she was giving me a hard time. She was, just a little.

I was reminded of my priorities - and where I'd gotten off track. We all have priorities - marked with the way we spend our time and our energies. Another friend and mentor reminded me of that this very morning. I guess the question is: what is important to me and how do I show that with my time? It's a bit like the faith and works question.

"You say you have faith. I will show you my faith by what I do."

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