Friday, October 2, 2009

The sanctuary of the Chebungei church. It was recently built with local labor and resources and help from the Africa Gospel Church.
The benches were log slabs on rocks before.

1 comment:

  1. Once again your blog has inspired us. I hope that Charma is feeling better by now.

    I believe that many who have heard the good news about your time in Africa will be inspired to give what they have. I know that it has inspired me to do more of that myself.

    In East Texas, one of the old traditions for celebration among the African American is a barbqued goat so I hope you enjoy the gift that is being prepared in your honor. Seems like this tradition has been kept through time. It should be good. Just eat the well done portions.

    You have each made yourselves a living sacrifice for the Lord while on your journey. May the rest of us do the same in our journey through life. God bless each one of you. Love, Mom
